I've used these internet security protectors before but I have to tell u something different about bullguards protection, it offers a great virus guard and cleans up all the junk too, another thing that really impressed me was most of these companies give u protection but ask for more money online for the PC tube up after u have paid out for supposedly protection? Bullguards PC tune up is included in this package it makes ur PC run super fast I swear by it 100% and will never use anything but bullguard, if ur looking for everything needed to protect ur PC & tune it up? Then this is all u need, the price was absolutely amazing £20 for all this protection? U have to be insane to turn ur nose up at this great offer it truly is a awesome deal, it arrived in 24hrs I was immensely impressed I really am so very happy to protect my PC for another year, it covers 3 PC's how awesome?
You can view the BullGuard range here